We can take care of many problems, but some things still require a physical doctor’s visit or in some cases the E.R.

Check below for general guidance on things we are unable to treat or provide. If our doctors are unable to help you, the visit is on us. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911. 

What our doctors are unable to take care of

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Medical or Surgical Emergencies

We cannot take care of things like chest pain, severe abdominal pain, shortness of breath (other than mild asthma), confusion, stroke symptoms, trauma, psychiatric emergencies etc. Please call 911 if you experience an emergency.

Controlled Substances and Other High-Risk Medications

We are unable to prescribe you controlled substances (like barbiturates, narcotics, benzodiazepines, marijuana containing products, etc), except buprenorphine (Suboxone) for opioid-use disorder. We are also unable to prescribe new prescriptions for higher risk issues like acute heart problems, transplant medications, ‘biologicals’, hormone therapy (other than birth control) etc. Additionally we can only prescribe a medication if medically appropriate (e.g. we do not prescribe Ivermectin for COVID).

Disability Forms, Workers Comp Forms, etc.

Our doctors can provide you with a work note (including a return-to-work note), Documentation of Recovery (allowing you to return to the US with a positive COVID test after you recovered from the disease), and more. However, we are unable to fill out other legal forms, like disability forms, workers compensation (DWC) forms, forms exempting from any vaccine, or the wearing of masks, and others.

Ready to see a doctor or make an appointment?